Thursday, June 21, 2007

Man is a Shepherd of Being...

Non in depravatis, sed in his quae bene secundum naturam se habent, considerandum est quid sit naturele (We should consider what is natural, not in things of a perverted nature, but in those that are rightly ordered according to nature.) Aristotle, Politics 2:2.

The body, mind and soul are all interconnected in the Gaelic tradition. Within this is the belief that the soul is wrapped around the body, like a garment of finely woven cloth. The body inhabitats the soul. The body is the rich composite inheritance of the ages of existence, a fragrant and cavernous monastery (mainistir) for contemplation, journeying, living (aistir) and more than anything the dream (aisling) of the soul. The soul emerges from an ever-bubbling spring (tobhair na beatha) or the well of life, and unfolds into this life like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon. The soul seeks discovery, intimacy, creativity, and imagination. As a pure force of life it is enriched by balance and harmony, by attending to fruitful relationships at the right time and in the correct context… it blossoms with the fragrance of wild honey in summer. The purity of the soul is intensified with contemplation and prayer, it grows by hospitality, it is gilded by charity and generosity, and it rises to the heavens on the winds of truth and honest labor. More than anything, the soul belongs to the body, the earth, the flesh… the most sacred ground, the greatest inheritance of the ancestors, the lyrical memory of distant ages, the firelit dance of creation, and the final descent into the womb of the Mother… awaiting for a new dawn of life.

Often we are nourished by the simple earthly fruits, of bread, meat and water… but whose symbolism extends our dream of life beyond the borders of imagination, and lead us to an eternal vision in which we can dwell.

A blessing of solitude.

John O’Donahue ‘Anam Cara’

May you recognize in your life the presence, power, and light of your soul.

May you realize that you are never alone, that your soul in its brightness and belonging connects you intimately with the rhythm of the universe.

May you have respect for your own individuality and difference.

May you realize that the shape of your soul is unique, that you have a special destiny here, that behind the façade of your life there is something beautiful, good and eternal happening.

May you learn to see yourself with the same delight, pride, and expectation with which God sees you in every moment.


wolfein 46-14 said...

Hello my friend David,
non vous n'etes pas seul,vous m'avez bien trouver!!!
Blessed Be.

wolfein 46-14 said...

Bonjour David,
Je Viens savoir de vos Nouvelles!
Comment allez-vous...????
Amitié Sincière.Elysa

Anonymous said...


I believe that you contacted me sometime ago about our tuatha in Colorado Springs. I was having some issues with my email server and I do not think that you received some of my replies. I happened on your blog (which is top notch btw) and thought I would drop you a line.

I would love to hear from you at:

Slan go foill!